Bring It, 2022!!!
“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.”
Disclaimer: as I finished writing this, I became somewhat uncomfortable with how self-centered this post appears to be. Then I realized that it is MY blog on MY website, and that if you’re here reading this, that you’re at least somewhat interested in what I have to say, right? It’s so easy to beat myself up, but I’m trying to do better. Enjoy the posts as they come!
I have loved the Rilke quote above since the first day I found it, but in the past, I always looked at it from a distance as something that wasn’t for me. The quote offers an opportunity to start anew, but I have been weighed down by so many things outside of my control for so long that I found it hard to ever believe that good things were intended for me.
2021 has changed me in some incredible ways.
This year, I finally started healing some old, nagging wounds from the past. Not six months or three years in the past, but 20 or 25 years in the past. Things that happened when I was the age of most of my university students. Things that I have worked so hard to “fix” that I forgot that I needed to forgive myself and others to be able to move on.
This year, I put into perspective my home life and my work life. It is a day-to-day struggle to keep things in proper perspective, but each day I try, and by trying, I win more than I lose. I also have the most understanding and supportive wife in the world!
This year, I began forging new paths. The old paths are well worn and I know the terrain intimately, but I know that a change of path was long overdue, and in time, I will navigate these new, better paths easily.
I have some very exciting things coming in 2022 that I am really excited to share with you soon. For now, please know that I am doing well, and for the first time in a long time, I’m excited about the future rather than looking for every storm cloud in the sky and wondering when it’s going to rain.
My best wishes to each of you for a Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!!!!